Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Shedd has far more reptiles and amphibians, with 75 combined species while monterey bay has almost none (only 5 species). shedd has more than 1,000 species of fish while monterey bay has around 250 species. overall, shedd has close to 1,500 species while monterey has a third of that with approximately 500.. Shedd aquarium, a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization, gratefully acknowledges the sustaining contributions of the people of chicago, state of illinois and chicago park district. shedd is an accredited member of the association of zoos and aquariums, a smithsonian affiliate, and humane conservation certified by american humane.. Shedd aqua...